Career Fair
--Select your type of registration--
Partner as sponsor
Partner for Recruitment Kiosk
Partner for Mentorship
Org. Name (as per NTN):
Org. Head Office Location:
Postal Address:
Point of Contact Name:
POC Email:
POC Phone:
Alternate Phone:
POC Designation:
Company brief:
Company Logo:
Upload JPEG, PNG and GIF file with max size of 2 mb
Sponsorship Type:
Company NTN/STN:
Please fill out this form carefully. Ensure that the NTN number and company name match exactly as per the NTN records.
Kindly cross-check all details before submission, as this information cannot be changed later.
Org. Name (as per NTN):
Org. Head Office Location:
Postal Address:
Point of Contact Name:
POC Email:
POC Phone:
Alternate Phone:
POC Designation:
Company brief:
Company Logo:
Upload JPEG, PNG and GIF file with max size of 2 mb
No. of Open Positions: (if any):
Eligible Level:
Recruitment Booth:
--Select a Tier--
Tier 2 (One side open) (Size: 3 X 3 X 2.4 meters)
Tier 3 (Size: 3 X 2 X 2.4 meters**)
Tier 1
Size: 3 by 3 by 3 meters**
Social Media Marketing
Logo on Media Wall and booth
Two sides open (corner location)
2 Tables (2.5ft by 4ft*) and 3 Chairs
Electric and internet Connection
LED Screen (42’)
Booth Assembling and Dismantling
3 lunch coupons
Rs. 140,000
Apply 15% sales Tax:
Rs. 21,000
Total Charges:
Rs. 161,000
Tier 2
Size: 3 by 3 by 3 meters**
Social Media Marketing
1 Table (2.5ft by 4ft*) and 2 Chairs
Electric and internet Connection
LED Screen (42’)
Booth Assembling and Dismantling
2 lunch coupons
Rs. 110,000
Apply 15% sales Tax:
Rs. 16,500
Total Charges:
Rs. 126,500
Tier 3
Size: 1.5 by 1.5 by 3 meters**
Social Media Marketing
1 Table (2.5ft by 4ft*) and 1 Chair
Electric and internet Connection
Booth Assembling and Dismantling
1 lunch coupon
Rs. 80,000
Apply 15% sales Tax:
Rs. 12,000
Total Charges:
Rs. 92,000
Company NTN/STN:
Please fill out this form carefully. Ensure that the NTN number and company name match exactly as per the NTN records.
Kindly cross-check all details before submission, as this information cannot be changed later.
Mentor Name:
Mentor CNIC:
Org. Name:
Postal Address:
Contact Number:
Company brief:
Company Logo:
Upload JPEG, PNG and GIF file with max size of 2 mb
Time Slot:
11am to 1pm
2pm to 4pm