IBA CED Coworking Program

Applicant Information Startup Information Impacts & Metrics Business Model Venture Financing Founders Entrepreneurial Incubators/Accelerators

Applicant Information

Startup Information

Impacts & Metrics

Business Model

Venture Financing


Founder 1:

Provide following detail

Founder 2: (Write N/A if not applicable)
Founder 3: (Write N/A if not applicable)

Entrepreneurial Incubators/Accelerators
Finally, we would like to learn a little bit more about your expectations and experiences with entrepreneurial incubators/accelerators.

Incase of any query please feel free to contact
Mohammad Talha
T: +92 (21) 38104700 Ext: 2704
M: (+92) 347-8743898 (WhatsApp)
E: mtalha@iba.edu.pk I www.iba.edu.pk